Source code for normalazy

import copy
import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import wraps

from six import add_metaclass

#: Defines the version of the `normalazy` library.
__version__ = "0.0.3"

[docs]def iffnotnull(func): """ Wraps a function, returns None if the first argument is None, invokes the method otherwise. :param func: The function to be wrapped. :return: None or the result of the function. >>> test1 = iffnotnull(lambda x: x) >>> test1(None) >>> test1(1) 1 """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(value, *args, **kwargs): return None if value is None else func(value, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def iffnotblank(func): """ Wraps a function, returns None if the first argument is empty, invokes the method otherwise. :param func: The function to be wrapped. :return: Empty string or the result of the function. >>> test1 = iffnotblank(lambda x: x) >>> test1("") '' >>> test1(1) 1 """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(value, *args, **kwargs): return value if value == "" else func(value, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def identity(x): """ Defines an identity function. :param x: value :return: value >>> identity(None) >>> identity(1) 1 """ return x
[docs]def as_string(x): """ Converts the value to a trimmed string. :param x: Value. :return: Trimmed string value. >>> as_string(None) >>> as_string("") '' >>> as_string("a") 'a' >>> as_string(" a ") 'a' """ return str(x).strip()
[docs]def as_factor(x): """ Converts the value to a factor string. :param x: Value. :return: Trimmed, up-cased string value. >>> as_factor(None) >>> as_factor("") '' >>> as_factor("a") 'A' >>> as_factor(" a ") 'A' """ return as_string(x).upper()
@iffnotnull @iffnotblank
[docs]def as_number(x): """ Converts the value to a decimal value. :param x: The value to be converted to a decimal value. :return: A Decimal instance. >>> as_number(None) >>> as_number(1) Decimal('1') >>> as_number("1") Decimal('1') >>> as_number(" 1 ") Decimal('1') """ return Decimal(as_string(x))
[docs]def as_boolean(x, predicate=None): """ Converts the value to a boolean value. :param x: The value to be converted to a boolean value. :param predicate: The predicate function if required. :return: Boolean >>> as_boolean(None) False >>> as_boolean("") False >>> as_boolean(" ") True >>> as_boolean(1) True >>> as_boolean(0) False >>> as_boolean("1") True >>> as_boolean("0") True >>> as_boolean("1", predicate=lambda x: int(x) != 0) True >>> as_boolean("0", predicate=lambda x: int(x) != 0) False >>> as_boolean("1", predicate=int) True >>> as_boolean("0", predicate=int) False >>> as_boolean("1", int) True >>> as_boolean("0", int) False """ return bool(x if predicate is None else predicate(x))
@iffnotnull @iffnotblank
[docs]def as_datetime(x, fmt=None): """ Converts the value to a datetime value. :param x: The value to be converted to a datetime value. :param fmt: The format of the date/time string. :return: A instance. >>> as_datetime(None) >>> as_datetime("") '' >>> as_datetime("2015-01-01 00:00:00") datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0) >>> as_datetime("2015-01-01T00:00:00", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0) >>> as_datetime("2015-01-01T00:00:00", fmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0) """ return datetime.datetime.strptime(x, fmt or "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
@iffnotnull @iffnotblank
[docs]def as_date(x, fmt=None): """ Converts the value to a date value. :param x: The value to be converted to a date value. :param fmt: The format of the date string. :return: A instance. >>> as_date(None) >>> as_date('') '' >>> as_date("2015-01-01"), 1, 1) >>> as_date("Date: 2015-01-01", "Date: %Y-%m-%d"), 1, 1) >>> as_date("Date: 2015-01-01", fmt="Date: %Y-%m-%d"), 1, 1) """ return datetime.datetime.strptime(x, fmt or "%Y-%m-%d").date()
[docs]class Value: """ Defines an immutable *[sic.]* boxed value with message, status and extra data as payload if required. >>> value = Value(value=42, message=None, status=Value.Status.Success, extras="41 + 1") >>> value.value 42 >>> value.message >>> value.status == Value.Status.Success True >>> value.extras '41 + 1' >>> value = Value.success(42, date="2015-01-01") >>> value.value 42 >>> value.status == Value.Status.Success True >>> '2015-01-01' >>> value = Value.warning(value="fortytwo", message="Failed to convert to integer.", date="2015-01-01") >>> value.value 'fortytwo' >>> value.status == Value.Status.Warning True >>> '2015-01-01' >>> value.message 'Failed to convert to integer.' >>> value = Value.error(message="Failed to compute the value.", date="2015-01-01") >>> value.value >>> value.status == Value.Status.Error True >>> '2015-01-01' >>> value.message 'Failed to compute the value.' """
[docs] class Status: """ Defines an enumeration for value status. """ #: Indicates that value is mapped successfully. Success = 1 #: Indicates that value is mapped successfully with warnings. Warning = 2 #: Indicates that value could not be mapped successfully. Error = 3
def __init__(self, value=None, message=None, status=None, **kwargs): """ Constructs an immutable Value class instance. Note that the classmethods `success`, `warning` and `error` should be preferred over this constructor. :param value: The atomic value. :param message: Any messages if required. :param status: The value status. :param kwargs: Extra payload for the value. """ self.__value = value self.__status = status or self.Status.Success self.__message = message self.__payload = kwargs @property def value(self): return self.__value @property def status(self): return self.__status @property def message(self): return self.__message @property def payload(self): return self.__payload def __getattr__(self, item): """ Provides access to payload through attributes. :param item: The name of the attribute. :return: The value for the attribute if the attribute name is in payload. """ ## Check if the item is in the payload: if item in self.payload: ## Yes, return it. return self.payload.get(item) ## Nope, escalate: return super(Value, self).__getattr__(item) @classmethod
[docs] def success(cls, value=None, message=None, **kwargs): """ Provides a convenience constructor for successful Value instances. :param value: The value of the Value instance to be constructed. :param message: The message, if any. :param kwargs: Extra payload for the value. :return: A successful Value instance. """ return cls(value=value, message=message, status=cls.Status.Success, **kwargs)
[docs] def warning(cls, value=None, message=None, **kwargs): """ Provides a convenience constructor for Values instances with warnings. :param value: The value of the Value instance to be constructed. :param message: The message, if any. :param kwargs: Extra payload for the value. :return: A Value instance with warnings. """ return cls(value=value, message=message, status=cls.Status.Warning, **kwargs)
[docs] def error(cls, value=None, message=None, **kwargs): """ Provides a convenience constructor for Values instances with errors. :param value: The value of the Value instance to be constructed. :param message: The message, if any. :param kwargs: Extra payload for the value. :return: A Value instance with errors. """ return cls(value=value, message=message, status=cls.Status.Error, **kwargs)
[docs]class Field(object): """ Provides a concrete mapper field. >>> field = Field() >>>, dict()).value >>>, dict()).status == Value.Status.Success True >>> field = Field(null=False) >>>, dict()).value >>>, dict()).status == Value.Status.Error True >>> field = Field(func=lambda i, r: r.get("a", None)) >>>, dict(a="")).value '' >>>, dict(a="")).status == Value.Status.Success True >>> field = Field(func=lambda i, r: r.get("a", None), blank=False) >>>, dict(a="")).value '' >>>, dict(a="")).status == Value.Status.Error True >>> field = Field(func=lambda i, r: r.get("a", None)) >>>, dict()).value >>>, dict(a=1)).value 1 >>>, dict(a=1)).status == Value.Status.Success True """ def __init__(self, name=None, func=None, blank=True, null=True): """ Constructs a mapper field with the given argument. :param name: The name of the field. :param func: The function which is to be used to map the value. :param blank: Boolean indicating if blank values are allowed. :param null: Boolean indicating if null values are allowed. """ self.__name = name self.__func = func self.__blank = blank self.__null = null @property def name(self): """ Returns the name of the field. :return: The name of the field. """ return self.__name @property def func(self): """ Returns the mapping function of the field. :return: The mapping function of the field. """ return self.__func @property def blank(self): """ Indicates if the value is allowed to be blank. :return: Boolean indicating if the value is allowed to be blank. """ return self.__blank @property def null(self): """ Indicates if the value is allowed to be null. :return: Boolean indicating if the value is allowed to be null. """ return self.__null
[docs] def rename(self, name): """ Renames the field. :param name: The new name of the field. """ self.__name = name
[docs] def treat_value(self, value): """ Treats the value and return. :param value: The value to be treated. :return: A Value instance. """ ## By now we have a value. If it is an instance of Value ## class, return it as is: if isinstance(value, Value): return value ## If the value is string and empty, but is not allowed to be so, return ## with error: if not self.blank and isinstance(value, str) and value == "": return Value.error(value="", message="Value is not allowed to be blank.") ## If the value is None but is not allowed to be so, return ## with error: if not self.null and value is None: return Value.error(message="Value is not allowed to be None.") ## OK, we have a value to be boxed and returned successfully: return Value.success(value=value)
[docs] def map(self, instance, record): """ Returns the value of for field as a Value instance. :param instance: The instance for which the value will be retrieved. :param record: The raw record. :return: A Value instance. """ ## Check if we have a function: if self.func is None: ## OK, value shall be None: value = None ## Check if the function is a callable or the name of an attribute of the instance: elif hasattr(self.func, "__call__"): ## The function is a callable. Call it directly on the ## instance and the record and get the raw value: value = self.func(instance, record) else: ## The function is not a callable. We assume that it is ## the name of a method of the instance. Apply the ## instance method on the record and get the raw value: value = getattr(instance, self.func)(record) ## Treat the value and return: return self.treat_value(value)
[docs]class KeyField(Field): """ Provides a mapper field for a given key which belongs to the record. The record can be an object which has `__getitem__` method or a simple object just with attribute access. The method starts reading the source value using the key provided checking `__getitem__` method (for iterables such as `dict` or `list`), then checks the attribute for simple object attribute access. >>> field = KeyField(key="a") >>>, dict(a="")).value '' >>>, dict(a="")).status == Value.Status.Success True >>> field = KeyField(key="a", blank=False) >>>, dict(a="")).value '' >>>, dict(a="")).status == Value.Status.Error True >>> field = KeyField(key="a", func=lambda i, r, v: as_number(v)) >>>, dict(a="12")).value Decimal('12') >>>, dict(a="12")).status == Value.Status.Success True >>> field = KeyField(key="a", cast=as_number) >>>, dict(a="12")).value Decimal('12') >>>, dict(a="12")).status == Value.Status.Success True >>> class Student: ... def __init__(self, name): ... = name >>> field = KeyField(key="name") >>>, Student("Sinan")).value 'Sinan' """ def __init__(self, key=None, cast=None, **kwargs): """ Constructs a mapper field with the given argument. :param key: The key of the property of the record to be mapped. :param cast: The function to be applied to the value. :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments to `Field`. """ super(KeyField, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__key = key self.__cast = cast @property def key(self): """ Returns the key of for the field mapping. """ return self.__key
[docs] def rename(self, name): """ Renames the field. :param name: The new name of the field. """ ## Call the super: super(KeyField, self).rename(name) ## If the key is None, set it with joy: if self.__key is None: self.__key = name
[docs] def map(self, instance, record): """ Returns the value of for field as a Value instance. :param instance: The instance for which the value will be retrieved. :param record: The raw record. :return: A Value instance. """ ## Does the record have __getitem__ method (Indexable) and key exist? if hasattr(record, "__getitem__") and self.key in record: ## Yes, get the value: value = record.get(self.key) ## Nope, let's check if the record has such an attribute: elif hasattr(record, self.key): ## Yes, get the value using attribute access: value = getattr(record, self.key) ## We can't access such a value in the record. else: ## OK, Value shall be None: value = None ## Do we have a function: if self.func is None: ## Nope, skip: pass ## Check if the function is a callable or the name of an attribute of the instance: elif hasattr(self.func, "__call__"): ## The function is a callable. Call it directly on the ## instance, the record and the raw value: value = self.func(instance, record, value) else: ## The function is not a callable. We assume that it is ## the name of a method on the instance. Apply the ## instance method on the record and the raw value: value = getattr(instance, self.func)(record, value) ## OK, now we will cast if required: if self.__cast is not None: ## Is it a Value instance? if isinstance(value, Value): value = Value(value=self.__cast(value.value), status=value.status, message=value.message) else: value = self.__cast(value) ## Done, treat the value and return: return self.treat_value(value)
[docs]class ChoiceKeyField(KeyField): """ Defines a choice mapper for the index of the record provided. >>> field = ChoiceKeyField(key="a", choices=dict(a=1, b=2)) >>>, dict(a="a")).value 1 >>> field = ChoiceKeyField(key="a", choices=dict(a=1, b=2), func=lambda i, r, v: Decimal(str(v))) >>>, dict(a="a")).value Decimal('1') """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ## Choices? choices = kwargs.pop("choices", {}) ## Get the function: functmp = kwargs.pop("func", None) ## Compute the func if functmp is not None: func = lambda i, r, v: functmp(i, r, choices.get(v, None)) else: func = lambda i, r, v: choices.get(v, None) ## Add the func back: kwargs["func"] = func ## OK, proceed as usual: super(ChoiceKeyField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class RecordMetaclass(type): """ Provides a record metaclass. """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs): ## Pop all fields: fields = dict([(key, attrs.pop(key)) for key in list(attrs.keys()) if isinstance(attrs.get(key), Field)]) ## Check fields and make sure that names are added: for name, field in fields.items(): if is None: field.rename(name) ## Get the record class as usual: record_cls = super(RecordMetaclass, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs) ## Attach fields to the class: record_cls._fields = {} ## Now, process the fields: record_cls._fields.update(fields) ## Done, return the record class: return record_cls
[docs]class Record(object): """ Provides a record normalizer base class. >>> class Test1Record(Record): ... a = KeyField() >>> record1 = Test1Record(dict(a=1)) >>> record1.a 1 >>> class Test2Record(Record): ... a = KeyField() ... b = ChoiceKeyField(choices={1: "Bir", 2: "Iki"}) >>> record2 = Test2Record(dict(a=1, b=2)) >>> record2.a 1 >>> record2.b 'Iki' We can get the dictionary representation of records: >>> record1.as_dict() OrderedDict([('a', 1)]) >>> record2.as_dict() OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 'Iki')]) Or detailed: >>> record1.as_dict(detailed=True) OrderedDict([('a', OrderedDict([('value', '1'), ('status', 1), ('message', None)]))]) >>> record2.as_dict(detailed=True) OrderedDict([('a', OrderedDict([('value', '1'), ('status', 1), ('message', None)])), \ ('b', OrderedDict([('value', 'Iki'), ('status', 1), ('message', None)]))]) We can also create a new record from an existing record or dictionary: >>> class Test3Record(Record): ... a = KeyField() ... b = KeyField() >>> record3 = >>> record3.a 1 >>> record3.b 'Iki' >>> record3.a == record2.a True >>> record3.b == record2.b True With dictionary: >>> record4 ={"a": 1, "b": "Iki"}) >>> record4.a 1 >>> record4.b 'Iki' >>> record4.a == record2.a True >>> record4.b == record2.b True Or even override some fields: >>> record5 =, b="Bir") >>> record5.a 1 >>> record5.b 'Bir' """ ## TODO: [Improvement] Rename _fields -> __fields, _values -> __value def __init__(self, record): ## Save the record slot: self.__record = record ## Declare the values map: self._values = {} def __getattr__(self, item): """ Returns the value of the attribute named `item`, particularly from within the fields set or pre-calculated field values set. :param item: The name of the attribute, in particular the field name. :return: The value (value attribute of the Value). """ return self.getval(item).value
[docs] def hasval(self, name): """ Indicates if we have a value slot called ``name``. :param name: The name of the value slot. :return: ``True`` if we have a value slot called ``name``, ``False`` otherwise. """ return name in self._fields
[docs] def getval(self, name): """ Returns the value slot identified by the ``name``. :param name: The name of the value slot. :return: The value slot, ie. the boxed value instance of class :class:`Value`. """ ## Did we compute this before? if name in self._values: ## Yes, return the value slot: return self._values.get(name) ## Do we have such a value slot? if not self.hasval(name): raise AttributeError("Record does not have value slot named '{}'".format(name)) ## Apparently, we have never computed the value. Let's compute the value slot and return: return self.setval(name, self._fields.get(name).map(self, self.__record))
[docs] def setval(self, name, value, status=None, message=None, **kwargs): """ Sets a value to the value slot. :param name: The name of the value slot. :param value: The value to be set (Either a Python value or a :class:`Value` instance.) :param status: The status of the value slot if any. :param message: The message of the value slot if any. :param kwargs: Additional named values as payload to value. :return: The :class:`Value` instance set. """ ## Do we have such a value slot? if not self.hasval(name): raise AttributeError("Record does not have value slot named '{}'".format(name)) ## Create a value instance: if isinstance(value, Value): ## Get a copy of payload if any: payload = copy.deepcopy(value.payload) ## Update the payload with kwargs: payload.update(kwargs.copy()) ## Create the new value: value = Value(value=value.value, status=status or value.status, message=message or value.message, **payload) else: value = Value(value=value, status=status or Value.Status.Success, message=message, **kwargs) ## Save the slot: self._values[name] = value ## Done, return the value set: return value
[docs] def delval(self, name): """ Deletes a stored value. :param name: The name of the value. """ if name in self._values: del self._values[name]
[docs] def allvals(self): """ Returns all the value slots. :return: A dictionary of all computed value slots. """ return {field: self.getval(field) for field in self._fields}
[docs] def val_none(self, name): """ Indicates if the value is None. :param name: The name of the value slot. :return: Boolean indicating if the value is None. """ return self.getval(name).value is None
[docs] def val_blank(self, name): """ Indicates if the value is blank. :param name: The name of the value slot. :return: Boolean indicating if the value is blank. """ return self.getval(name).value == ""
[docs] def val_some(self, name): """ Indicates if the value is something other than None or blank. :param name: The name of the value slot. :return: Boolean indicating if the value is something other than None or blank. """ return not self.val_none(name) and not self.val_blank(name)
[docs] def val_success(self, name): """ Indicates if the value is success. :param name: The name of the value slot. :return: Boolean indicating if the value is success. """ return self.getval(name).status == Value.Status.Success
[docs] def val_warning(self, name): """ Indicates if the value is warning. :param name: The name of the value slot. :return: Boolean indicating if the value is warning. """ return self.getval(name).status == Value.Status.Warning
[docs] def val_error(self, name): """ Indicates if the value is error. :param name: The name of the value slot. :return: Boolean indicating if the value is error. """ return self.getval(name).status == Value.Status.Error
[docs] def as_dict(self, detailed=False): """ Provides a JSON representation of the record instance. :param detailed: Indicates if we need detailed result, ie. with status and message for each field. :return: A JSON representation of the record instance. """ ## We have the fields and values saved in the `_fields` and `_values` attributes respectively. We will ## simply iterate over these fields and their respective values. ## ## Let's start with defining the data dictionary: retval = OrderedDict([]) ## Iterate over fields and get their values: for key in sorted(self._fields): ## Add the field to return value: retval[key] = getattr(self, key, None) ## If detailed, override with real Value instance: if detailed: ## Get the value: value = self._values.get(key, None) ## Add the value: retval[key] = OrderedDict([("value", str(value.value)), ("status", value.status), ("message", value.message)]) ## Done, return the value: return retval
[docs] def new(cls, record, **kwargs): """ Creates a new record from the provided record or dictionary and overriding values from the provided additional named arguments. :param record: The record or dictionary to be copied from. :param kwargs: Named arguments to override. :return: New record. """ ## First of all, get the record as value dictionary: base = copy.deepcopy(record.as_dict() if isinstance(record, Record) else record) ## Update the dictionary: base.update(kwargs) ## Done, create the new record and return: return cls(base)